The European Union's Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Excellency Nicolás Berlanga Martinez, visits ERAIFT 21 May 2024

On Tuesday 21 May 2024, ERAIFT, a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO, welcomed M. Nicolás Berlanga Martinez, the Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to the Democratic Republic of Congo to its premises. The visit was part of a workshop on cassava value chain analysis.

Welcomed by the Director, the Ambassador was given a brief presentation on the governance of ERAIFT, highlighting the various forms of support provided by the European Union since its creation. The presentation focused on the regional nature of the school, its missions and vision, as well as its training programs, with particular emphasis on the origins of its students and teaching staff, as well as current research initiatives.

Mr Ambassador symbolically planted a tree at ERAIFT, to mark his contribution to the fight against climate change and the preservation of biodiversity.

Attended by more than 50 participants, including decision-makers, entrepreneurs and researchers, the workshop focused on a presentation of the preliminary findings of a research study carried out by experts in various growth centres in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the support of the European Union. Constructive discussions on improving the sector were held, to the great satisfaction of the participants.

In closing the workshop, the Ambassador affirmed the European Union's continued support to ERAIFT. Finally, he warmly thanked all the participants and reaffirmed the European Union's commitment to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

ERAIFT thanks the Ambassador of the European Union to the Democratic Republic of Congo for his visit and for his renewed confidence. It also expresses its gratitude to the other members of the EU delegation and to the other participants in the day's workshop.

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