The Director of ERAIFT and Rector of IFA Yangambi Attends the Launch of the National Midterm Evaluation Committee for the License-Master-Doctorate (LMD) System in the Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa, August 10, 2024

The Director of ERAIFT and Rector of IFA Yangambi, Professor Baudouin Michel, is participating in the launch of the national midterm evaluation committee for the License-Master-Doctorate (LMD) system in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This meeting focuses on presenting the results of the test conducted by the national evaluation committee and on the validation of evaluation tools by Her Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and University. ERAIFT and IFA Yangambi congratulate Her Excellency Madame the Minister, Professor Dr. Sombo Ayanne Safi Mukuna Marie-Thérèse, for this initiative and thank her for the invitation.

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