ERAIFT organizes its second scientific retreat focusing on NaturAfrique and Green Deal concepts in relation to the employability of its trained products. From October 20 to 22, 2023

ERAIFT held its second scientific retreat at the Nsele Valley Park from October 20 to 22, 2023, to reflect on how to improve its educational system and the employability of trained learners in the face of current challenges. The scientific forum brought together chairholders from a number of national, regional and international institutions, as well as technical and financial partners, including the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN), WWF, AWF, CIFOR, CIRAD, the VisioTerra center, the European Union, and other development and nature.

The aim of this session was to examine how to improve the adequacy between ERAIFT's training offer and the real needs of society, in terms of protected area management and forest conservation, and consequently to improve the professional profile of students. Some forty participants took part in the event.

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