Participation of ERAIFT in the International conference “Through the prism of work: capitalism, development and social change in the global South” Liège 22 to 24 May 2024

The Association for Social Change and Development (APAD) organised its 2024 international conference at the University of Liège under the title ‘Through the prism of work: capitalism, development and social change in the global South’. The conference took place at Place du 20 août in the city centre of Liège from 22 to 24 May 2024. More than 140 researchers and teachers took part in face-to-face sessions and more than 200 online. The Ecole Régionale postuniversitaire d'Aménagement et de gestion Intégrés de Forêts et Territoires tropicaux (ERAIFT) was represented by Professor MAVAKALA KALUNSEVIKO Krossy, Coordinator of the Bushmeat/ERAIFT project. His speech, which was well received by all the participants in panel 7 ‘Value chain studies: what socio-ethnographic contributions?. The panel was jointly chaired by Professors Marc Poncelet (University of Liège), Roch Mongbo (University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou/Director of the Laboratoire d'Analyse des Dynamiques Sociales et du Développement (LADYD)) and Patrice Ndimanya (University of Burundi, Bujumbura).

The presentation entitled ‘Administrative bricolage in a bushmeat trade hub: decoding formal and informal governance at Kinshasa's River ports’ by Krossy Mavakala (ERAIFT), Theodore Trefon (Central Africa Museum Belgium) and Juliet Wright (University of Oxford) lasted almost two hours, so full were the questions and the debate.

ERAIFT thanks the conference organisers for their invitation and cooperation. It expresses its gratitude to the British government for its financial support for the ‘Urban Economy Analysis of Bushmeat in Kinshasa’ project through the UNEP-WCMC. ERAIFT also thanks the Wildlife Conservatin Society (WCS) and Oxford University for their partnership in the implementation of the project. It also expresses its gratitude to the Central Africa Museum Belgium; the University of Liege and the European Union for their support.

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