ERAIFT participated in the 20th Meeting of the Parties of the CBFP, June 3 - 5, 2024 in Kinshasa, DRC

From 3 to 5 June 2024, ERAIFT participated in the 20th meeting of the parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), held at the Pullman Hotel in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This meeting that brought together more than 600 participants including ministers and senior officials from Central Africa and the international community, experts, representatives of civil society and the private sector, NGOs, students, etc., served as a showcase for ERAIFT to:  (1) raise its profile and increase its visibility in the sub-region and internationally; (2) promote its diploma courses based on a systemic approach and continuous training open to the general public;  (3) and popularize its research-action activities in protected areas and biosphere reserves in the Central African sub-region and mainly in the DRC.

The discussions took place during a parallel hybrid event organized by ERAIFT in the Kasaï lounge, and moderated by its Director, Pr. Baudouin MICHEL, on the theme: “Populization of the research activities of ERAIFT (Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO) in the two biosphere reserves (MAB) of Yangambi and Luki in the DRC”.

A stand was also animated on this occasion by ERAIFT doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows at the exhibition center during this meeting, to popularize the results of their work, strengthen their collaboration network and continue discussions with other participants present at this meeting. 

ERAIFT sincerely thanks the CBFP for having been associated to this high-quality meeting in favor of the rational and sustainable management of forest ecosystems in the Congo Basin. We express our gratitude to all our financial and technical partners, in particular the European Union and UNESCO, for the trust and resources made available.

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Campus UNIKIN - BP 15373 - Kinshasa - Commune de Lemba - RD Congo


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