Organisation of the private defence of the two PhD theses at ERAIFT on Saturday 15/06/2024

The "Ecole Régionale postuniversitaire d'Aménagement et Gestion Intégrés des Forêts et Territoires Tropicaux, ERAIFT", a UNESCO Category 2 Centre, organised the private defence of two PhD theses in Integrated Management of Tropical Forests and Lands on Saturday 15/06/2024, from 9am to 3.30pm (Kinshasa time).

The first thesis was entitled "Contribution à l'analyse de la gouvernance décentralisée et participative de l'eau potable : le cas des ASUREP en zone périurbaine de Kinshasa (RD Congo)", and was defended by Mr DITONA TSUMBU Hippolyte, research assistant at ERAIFT. The second speaker, Mr NTUMBA MABEDI Jean Métis, addressed the issue of fisheries resource management in the Malebo Pool, in terms of the taxonomy, biology, ecology and exploitation of fish of the genus Marcusenius Gill 1862 (Mormyridae).

These studies were defended in a hybrid format, both in-class at ERAIFT and online, before an international and interdisciplinary jury made up of teacher-researchers from African and European universities. These two candidates are regularly enrolled in ERAIFT's doctoral programme and have also published several international scientific papers based on their research work.

After their oral presentation, discussions and exchanges between the recipients and the members of the jury, the two theses were admitted to the public defence with the mention "Great Distinction"

Finally, ERAIFT sincerely thanks its financial and technical partners for their multifaceted support and renewed confidence. It also expresses its gratitude to the members of the Jury for their availability and commitment.

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