ERAIFT is organising an information event for national and regional stakeholders on the implementation and progress of the project "Making the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve a centre of excellence for climate and biodiversity" 20 June 2024

 On Thursday 20 June 2024, ERAIFT organised an information meeting for national and regional stakeholders on the implementation and progress of the project "Making the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve a centre of excellence for climate and biodiversity". This hybrid workshop was attended by several partners, including representatives of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium, UNESCO, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the private sector (SODEFOR), civil society, Congolese and regional higher education and university institutions, and the Congolese press

The workshop was launched by Professor Jean Pierre Mate, representing the Director of ERAIFT. In his speech, he congratulated all the participants on their availability and recalled the objectives of the meeting, while underlining the importance of the contribution expected from the participants for improvement.

Mr Guillaume E. Gillard, representative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium, then emphasised the importance of the workshop at both national and international level. He then presented Yangambi's role in the government's national vision on climate, as well as Belgium's commitment to boost research activities in the Yangambi landscape.

A synopsis of the project's progress, including the actors involved, the activities carried out and the results achieved, was presented by the project coordinator. Next, ERAIFT and the Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité respectively presented the results obtained in the implementation of their activities.

Following discussions and debates, the participants formulated a number of recommendations on the common management strategy for the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, including: bringing scientists, political decision-makers and the private sector closer together to ensure better appropriation of research results; raising awareness among local stakeholders (political decision-makers and local communities) of the role of Biosphere Reserves and the importance of research; updating the mapping of Reserve boundaries; and promoting an entrepreneurial culture.

ERAIFT expresses its gratitude to the Kingdom of Belgium for funding this project. It also thanks UNESCO for associating it with the implementation of the project. ERAIFT also thanks the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, MAB, INERA and all the other partners involved in the project for their invaluable collaboration.

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