ERAIFT's new Fundraising Director, Mr. Olivier MUSHIETE, officially started his duties on Monday, 3 April 2023

ERAIFT is pleased to inform all of its technical and financial partners, the scientific and academic community and the public about the new Fundraising Director, Mr Olivier MUSHIETE. He will support the ERAIFT Board in the process of mobilising extra-budgetary funds through the drafting and development of new projects at national, regional and international levels for institutional sustainability.

ERAIFT welcomes New Fundraising Director and wishes him full success in his new duties. Finally, ERAIFT express its gratitude to the European Union through AGRINATURA for budgeting of this new function through the project "Capacity building of biodiversity practitioners, scientists and policy makers for the sustainable management of protected areas and forest ecosystems in Africa.

Mr Olivier Mushiete's contact is: Email : Olivier Mushiete: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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