Students in the 4th AGIFT cohort at ERAIFT learn how to use the interactive maquette 01 to 15/06/2023

As part of the "Social and Community Forestry and Agroforestry" course given by Professor Vermeulen Cédric, the students in the 4th year of the AGIFT Masters, with the support of their assistant Timothée Besisa, learned how to use an interactive model. This simple, fun and accessible tool enables local communities to represent their living environment as a prelude to debates on development options for their land. As part of their practical work, the students represented their own "living environment" (the ERAIFT campus and its surroundings) and collectively thought about the location of a hypothetical "teachers' house". The students were able to appreciate and discuss the potential and limitations of this participative management tool, which will be useful to them both for their dissertation and in their future professional lives.

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