Alternative Protein Production Project” (APPP) is a component of the project “The Urban Economy Analysis of Bushmeat in Kinshasa” initiated by ERAIFT (Ecole Régionale postuniversitaire d’Aménagement et de gestion Intégrés de Forêts et Territoires tropicau

From July 31 to August 6, 2024 at ERAIFT and the Kisantu Botanical Garden, members of the said project participated in a training on alternative food value chains to bushmeat with the aim of providing them with the necessary skills to identify, analyze, design a vision, an upgrade strategy and a development plan for a value chain.

The training was funded by University of California, Los Angeles campus (UCLA) in collaboration with the Congo Basin Institute (CBI). Five (5) main activities were organized, namely (1) a theoretical overview on the analysis of food value chains, (2) a guided tour of some tourist and nature conservation sites, (3) a practical exercise in identifying and analyzing value chains, (4) a restitution session and (5) a final evaluation.

This training thus enabled the project members to better prepare themselves to promote the encouraging results of the project through the production of books and/or articles, dissemination and various presentations.

ERAIFT rightly thanks University of Oxford, WCS, GCRF, UNEP-WCMC, UCLA, CBI and European Union for their support to Congolese youth training.

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Campus UNIKIN - BP 15373 - Kinshasa - Commune de Lemba - RD Congo


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