ERAIFT participates in a consultation and planning workshop of the Network of Forest and Environmental Training Institutions of Central Africa (RIFFEAC in french)

ERAIFT took part from 09 to 13 December 2024, in a workshop on concertation and planning of the activities of the network of forest and environmental training institutions of Central Africa (RIFFEAC in french), and on monitoring the implementation of the strategy for introducing a new training course, organized with the support of GIZ-COMIFAC [ German International Development Cooperation Agency “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Central African Forestry Commission], at the Akwa Palace hotel in Douala, Cameroon.

The overall objective of this workshop was to make a concerted planning of RIFFEAC activities based on the analysis of achievements from 2021 to 2024. It focused specifically on: the presentation of the RIFFEAC compiled activity report; the presentation, enrichment and validation of the RIFFEAC strategic training framework for forest landscape restoration; the presentation of the implementation of the project for the organization of certifying continuing training on the management of protected areas and the restoration of forest landscapes; the presentation through coaching, of the importance of communication within RIFFEAC; and the presentation and validation of the RIFFEAC annual work plan 2024 – 2025 (Presentation of the ICT Integration Strategy in RIFFEAC member institutions Training Practices (E-Learning), Presentation of the project for introducing environmental trades in the member institutions training curricula, management of the RIFFEAC website, server use offered by GIZ, launch of the scientific journal).

ERAIFT thanks RIFFEAC for having been associated to this annual meeting of concertation and planning of the network’s activities, and expresses its gratitude to GIZ-COMIFAC for its support.

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Campus UNIKIN - BP 15373 - Kinshasa - Commune de Lemba - RD Congo


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