From 6 to 11 January 2025, ERAIFT is organizing a workshop on drawing up simple land-use plans (PSATs) and participatory mapping. This initiative is part of the partnership between ERAIFT and the AVENIR project, which aims to promote empowerment through the development of agricultural and rural entrepreneurship, in an inclusive, climate-resilient and nutrition-sensitive approach. The AVENIR project is rooted in a sustainable development approach, aimed at strengthening the resilience of local communities in the face of environmental and socio-economic challenges.
Approximately sixty stakeholders from the public sector, the private sector and civil society of the provinces of Kongo Central, Kwango, Kwilu, Mai-Ndombe and the outskirts of Kinshasa are taking part in this training course. Several modules will be developed during this session, namely: (1) Legal framework for land use planning in the DRC: Justification and rationale, (2) PSAT development framework: Methodology and key stages, (3) Interactive model: Description and appropriation of tools, (4) Basic theoretical notions on spatial remote sensing and GIS: Introduction to geospatial data (vectors and raster) and the spatial scale, (5) Geospatial data processing software: Installation, familiarization, georeferencing and digitization, (6) Geospatial data collection and processing tools: GPS, Google Earth and Global Forest Watch: data acquisition, processing and layout.
After completing this training course, participants will be equipped with the skills required to implement effective and sustainable spatial planning strategies, using modern mapping and resource management tools. This training is part of one of its 4 fundamental missions, namely ‘service to society.
ERAIFT thanks the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security for having associated it with the implementation of the AVENIR project. ERAIFT thanks IFAD for funding this project. It also expresses its gratitude to all the project partners for their trust and collaboration. ERAIFT would also like to thank the participants for their contributions and for sharing their professional experiences during the training. Lastly, ERAIFT expresses its gratitude to the European Union and AGRINATURA for their renewed confidence.